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Vegan Spring Rolls

May 14, 2013

Oh, I’ve been looking forward to sharing this with you! Not only because it has become my favorite snack/meal, but also due to the fact that it is a tribute to spring and all the amazing light summer meals this time of year! While we have seen many more rain showers than we’ve seen the sun over the last few days, I know warmer temperatures are on the way (fingers crossed!). Spring rolls are the perfect food to get you feeling like warmer days are already here.

Before I made my first spring roll, I have to admit, I was intimidated to take on the task – especially after my sushi rolling experience. But let me tell you, once you start making your own spring rolls, you’ll never stop. It is so much easier that you would think, and this way you can come up with crazy concoctions that you would not be able to order from take out. After a little practice, I know you’ll be raving about them as much as me.

I love the idea of stuffing what is fresh and seasonal into a spring roll. Because spring is here, I chose to go with a mostly green veggie palette – cilantro, lettuce, avocado, cucumber and carrot for a little color and something sweet. Use whatever you have on hand and what is in season. This meal is a great way to use up all the little bits of veggies hanging out in the fridge that you haven’t found a use for.


Vegan Spring Rolls

Serves 6 rolls


  • 6 rice paper wraps (found in health food shops or the Asian section of well stocked markets)
  • lettuce
  • 1/2 cup cilantro sprigs
  • 1 1/4 cup grated carrots
  • 1 2/4 cup grated cucumber
  • 1 large avocado


  1. Set up your roll work space. You need a large bowl of warm water and a damp dish towel to work on. Set out your lettuce, cilantro, carrots, cucumber and avocado.
  2. Working one roll at a time, put the rice wrap flat into the large bowl of warm water, being careful to not let it curl up, until soft, about one minute.
  3. Lay the wrap down on the dish towel. Down the center, like a burrito, layer the cilantro, lettuce,small handful of the carrots, cucumber and a few slices of avocado. Fold over the top and bottom ends over the filling, tuck the right flap over and then roll to close. Repeat with remaining wraps.


Photo Credit: my sister, Jenny Norris –

My Three Day Detox Plan

April 26, 2013

Spring has definitely started to reveal it’s pretty face in my part of the world. The beginning of a new season always sparks enthusiasm for new habits, fresh goals and great ideas. If it takes the arrival of a new season to inspire you to do a detox, then let’s do it! But if you have never done a cleanse or detox before it can be overwhelming. On the other hand, if you have and you didn’t get the results you expected, this post might give you some insight and inspiration to give it a shot and succeed in a way that could truly change your life forever.

Whether you want to commit to a healthier eating regimen or simply treat your body to some rest, my three-day detox plan is a delicious way to do it. I’ve prepared a streamlined menu of big batch meals so that you can front load all of the work. By eating clean you will help your body focus on detoxing, rather than on breaking down complex foods. According to many ancient health philosophies such as traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, the spring season rules the liver, an organ that’s essential for overall wellness, but especially digestion.

These dishes give your digestive system a rest from processed foods and allergens like dairy and gluten. Loading up on the season’s fibrous fruits and vegetables helps remove toxins. A regular cleanse will support a desire to maintain a healthier, much lower level of toxins and move them out on a constant basis in order to avoid disease. Since spring is an optimal time to refresh your energy and start something new, it’s also a great time to simplify your eating and choose foods that will support your overall health.


Basic Outline of the Detox

A plant-based, alkalizing lifestyle, as I embrace with this blog, will naturally flush toxins to detox the body and allow it to return to it’s ideal body weight.

  • Alkalizing the body with chlorophyll rich green veggies naturally buffers the acids from an acidic lifestyle and assists in flushing toxins.
  • A balance of 80% veggies to 20% healthy acidic whole foods – see alkaline chart here – in an everyday way to be constantly detoxing your body. Choose organic whenever possible, prepare meals that are colorful and juice daily if you can.
  • Consume good quality water, 2-3 liters per day to really flush those toxins and minimize the detox symptoms one might experience.  If you are quite “toxic” and have never cleansed I recommend you go easy and do a slower version by leaning into a clean detoxing alkaline lifestyle.  Start adding as much veggies and green juice as you can handle every single day and continually increase to the 80/20 ratio.
  • I highly recommend this juice cleanse to flush your system and jump start your detoxing alkaline lifestyle.  Take a thorough read through the post and see if it’s for you. It changed my life for good! If the body can really detox and there are no more or considerably less toxins coming in, magic happens!

DAY 1, 2 & 3


Ginger Lemon Detox

Serves 1


  • 12 ounces spring or filtered water, at room temperature
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2-inch knob of ginger root


  1. Add the lemon juice  and ginger root to the glass of water. Enjoy at room temperature upon rising for an amazing start to the day!


Apple with Tahini


Serves 1


  • 1 tablespoon tahini
  • 1 sweet apple (such as Honeycrisp or Pink Lady), cored and sliced


  1. Drizzle tahini over apple.


Activated Nuts and Seeds


Serves 3


  • 3 handfuls raw almonds (you can use almonds or a mixture of macadamia nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, or sunflower seeds if desired)
  • filtered or spring water, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt


  1. In a large bowl, place all of the ingredients with enough water to cover fully. Leave at room temperature for at least 4 hours, or overnight. Strain and store the nuts in a covered container in the fridge.


Calming Chamomile Tea


Serves 1

  • 1 cup spring or filtered water
  • 1 chamomile tea bag or 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers


  1. Bring the water to a boil and pour into a teacup or mug. Add the tea bag or, if using loose flowers, use a teapot and a strainer. Steep for 3 to 5 minutes, then enjoy.

Optionally, try other herbal detox teas such as nettle, dandelion root or licorice root.


After completing such a regimen, you will develop a pattern of taking care of yourself that will stick if you are persistent right now. You’ll also begin to notice some pretty amazing things. Pay attention to your body and really try to feel and notice the way your energy changes. Do you feel more vibrant, more energetic? Are you sleeping better? Is your skin glowing? Your skin tells all- your depth of color and brightness and clarity show how healthy you are! It will be contagious and maybe your friends will start on a healthier journey with you!

Are you excited about a new direction for your health? I hope you are inspired by the messages here. I’m about to start a spring cleaning so I’d love to have you join me May 1st-3rd! As always, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line with any questions or comments you might have. Also be sure to sign up for my newsletter where I share exclusive content, recipes and fun tips!

Sending you vibrant health and strength to make the best choices possible for your body so you can thrive this year and for many more to come!


*Disclaimer: The content on this site is not written with intentions to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments. Our content is for information purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat health issues of any sort. We cannot be held liable for any ill effects caused by following these instructions or this material. Always consult with a medical professional when adjusting your diet. 


Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

August 23, 2012


Rhubarb is one of the season’s sweetest gifts. These crisp, tart stalks that look like ruby-red celery start appearing in the farmer’s market in early spring. They get snapped up in a hurry by eager bakers, but to the uninitiated they are a bit of a mystery. That’s because rhubarb looks so much like a vegetable — it is in fact a vegetable– and is so lip-puckering sour that someone who’s never tried it before can’t help but wonder how it would fit in with sweets, where it is most often used. Well, I have an easy solution to make you a believer: put some rhubarb where your mouth is. But first, bake it into a pie, like this one I have for you today.

Strawberry rhubarb pie is adored by many, in spite of or perhaps because of its old-timey charm. At their best, cooked strawberries taste like cotton candy and rhubarb is the perfect almost citrusy-sour contrast. There’s no twist here, nothing fancy whatsoever. This recipe is simple, just the way I like it. I want you to have access to the most balanced approach to a strawberry rhubarb pie. This is a recipe to keep in your back pocket, taped to the inside of your pantry cabinet, or simply seared into your mind.

Vegan & Gluten-Free Pie Crust

Makes 1 approximately 9″ pie crust


  • 1 1/2 cups rice flour (brown or white)
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp. agave nectar, or sweetener of choice
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 Tbsp. ground flaxseed + 3 Tbsp. water
  • 1/4 cup dairy-free buttery spread, melted
  • cold water


  1. Stir together the flaxseed mixture and melted dairy-free buttery spread.
  2. Sift together the dry ingredients over the wet ingredients. Stir the dough together – it will be soft and crumbly. Add enough cold water so that the dough can be pressed together and holds.
  3. Lightly oil the pie pan.
  4. Press the dough into the pie pan and up the sides as far as possible being sure to keep the crust an even thickness. I use a flat bottomed measuring cup to help make the crust even and flat.


Strawberry-Rhubarb Filling


  • 3 cups thinly sliced rhubarb
  • 2 cups rough chopped strawberries
  • 1/2 cup agave nectar, or sweetener of choice
  • 1/4 cup tapioca or cornstarch (gluten-free)
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest


  1. Preheat oven to 425° F (218° C).
  2. Combine all of the filling ingredients together in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Add filling to the prepared pie shell. Cover loosely with tin foil and poke a few holes in the foil to let steam escape.
  4. Bake for about 20 minutes at 425° F (218° C). Lower heat to 350° F (177° C), and remove the tin foil. Bake for an additional 30 to 35 minutes, filling should be bubbling and the crust should be golden.
  5. Place on a cooling rack and let cool for about 30 minutes before serving.


(Photo Credit: my sister, Jenny Norris –