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Friday Favorites: The Desire Map

March 14, 2014

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed I was really digging Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map. I spent many mornings and nights in my pajamas reading this book and scribbling away in a journal. I powered through it within a week!

As well as setting some major goals for this year, I’m also reflecting on how I want to feel in 2014. This is a revolutionary way to identify, engage and launch your deepest desires. It was about the time that I started to embrace this that my creativity ramped up, and this concept has influenced everything from how I eat, to my relationships, to accountability.


By moving through Danielle’s process of identifying your core desired feelings, you will be creating the blueprint of your new year’s intentions, or goals, or dreams  – whatever it is you want to call them. I’m learning that I need to understand how I want to feel at the manifestation of a dream before I can even begin to decide what to dream. The first time that anyone suggested to me that how you feel should be the backbone of your life, the idea seemed heretical. We live in a culture that so often tells us that feelings are irrational, Danielle is saying we should be listening to our feelings to gauge how we will spend our day. But once this idea clicks into place – well, then. Whoa. Anything that isn’t lifting me up gets either re-framed powerfully or dropped, because it’s not giving me more vitality.

Here are my core desired feelings:

  1. Connected
  2. Vibrant
  3. Whole
  4. Courage
  5. Inspired

Have you read this book? What were your thoughts?

I invite you to list your core desired feelings in the comments below. I can’t wait to get a glimpse inside your heart.