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Eating Healthy On A Budget

September 23, 2015

Healthy eating doesn’t have to mean expensive. With a few tips and tricks, I’ll show you how to make healthy choices while staying within your budget.

1. Stay organized. You know the saying: Fail to plan, plan to fail. Whether your goal is weight loss or getting a healthy meal on the table for your family, thinking ahead can save you time, money and effort. Plan your meals ahead of time and write shopping lists. If you know you’ll be stuck late at work tomorrow, prep dinner ingredients and you’ll be far less tempted to order in or grab take-out. I make Sunday “prep day” for the week ahead.

2. Buy in bulk. Some of the healthiest foods are found in the bulk aisles, not to mention, that it saves you a ton of money! Read ingredients to make sure you’re not getting any additives. Some of my favorite healthy options from the bins are:

  • Lentils and split peas (make a tasty warm soup under $3)
  • Hemp seeds (super high in protein- add on top of cereal, salads, into smoothies)
  • Chia seeds (super high in protein and energy)
  • Oats (make your own oatmeal)
  • Raw nuts- almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts

3. Skip convenience foods. Knowing you’re short on time, supermarkets cash in on pre-sliced veggies, boxed greens and pre-cooked – well, just about everything. Once I realized pre-prepped broccoli florets cost twice as much as organic broccoli heads, I decided saving a little time wasn’t worth spending a lot more money. What making foods from scratch demands in time often saves you in money. This requires a little effort up front, but then you’re set.

4. Cook once, eat twice (or more).

5. Buy locally and in season. Buying in season means fresher, more delicious, nutrient-denser, probably local, and most likely less expensive foods. Asparagus peaks in spring, while blueberries are ripest in summer. Learn which foods match with the season to boost your health, support local growers and save a few bucks in the bargain.

6. Buy frozen and stock up. Frozen foods eliminates the issue of having to toss out food items that have gone bad. You can buy weeks worth of frozen kale, berries and other favorites to store in your freezer, so you always have essentials for soups, shakes, stews and side dishes.

7. Load your plate with high-fiber foods. My number one nutrient for eating less: fiber, which delays gastric emptying, balances blood sugar, curbs cravings and makes you full faster. What’s not to love? Aim for two or three inexpensive, high-fiber foods at every meal. Excellent choices include avocado, legumes, nuts, seeds and leafy greens. My secret weapon to bypass seconds and reduce your dessert hankering: Stir a scoop of freshly ground flaxseed or a fiber-blend supplement powder into a tall glass of water 30 to 60 minutes before meals.

8. Learn the dirty dozen. In a perfect world, every food would be organic. Realistically, sometimes it becomes hard to justify spending three times for organic produce. That’s why you want to know the Dirty Dozen: you always want to buy these 12 most-contaminated foods organic. The “Clean 15” are your least contaminated foods, with few or no contaminants. If you’re going to buy non-organic, these are your best bets.

Friday Favorites

August 14, 2015

12 Rockstar Athletes Who Are Revolutionizing The Fitness World

7 Tricks To Help You Cook Delicious Plant-Based Meals

How I Became An Early Riser

10 Reasons To Love (Like, REALLY Love) Amy Schumer

How We Store Food At Home Could Be Linked To How Much We Eat

Exercise and the ‘Good’ Bugs in Our Gut

Dark Chocolate Protein Fudge

8 Reasons Why People Who Spend Money on Experiences Are Happier

How To Switch To Green Beauty Products If You’re On A Budget


What do you have planned for the weekend? I plan on plenty of sunshine, friends and relaxing. Happy weekend, friends!

Friday Favorites

August 7, 2015

Prescribing Vegetables, Not Pills

15 Eating Habits To Make You Live Longer

8 Smart, Funny Ladies Who Can’t Believe You’re Still Talking about their Bodies

Netflix is giving employees a year of paid parental leave so they can binge-watch their babies

Venus Retrograde: Everything You Need to Know

Reading, Writing, Required Silence: How Meditation is Changing Schools and Students


Hope you have a great weekend! See you next week with more recipes and healthy tips! xx

My New Health Philosophy

August 5, 2015

I’ve been debating with myself for some time now about how much of my cancer treatment story I want to share. When I was first diagnosed, I knew it was something I wanted and needed to talk about. Between doctors visits, researching my hind end off, surgery and 6 weeks of daily radiation treatment, I am left feeling exhausted. I’m ready to have my life back already. That’s not to say the full story won’t one day be told, but for right now I’m just enjoying my life as a newlywed and being thankful for each special moment. It’s time I start looking toward the future and going full force with what I really want to do – inspiring others to live a healthier life.

After my diagnosis, I put my aspirations and work on hold. Healing my body became my full time job – my life depended on it. I’ve always been a huge advocate for self-care, but healing myself from cancer has brought that to an entirely different level.

Here is what my personal protocol looks like:

  • juice myself silly (lots of green juice)
  • daily meditation and journaling
  • eat organic
  • movement (right now it’s jogging, yoga and the occasional dance party)
  • acupuncture
  • massage
  • reading
  • sleep (like 8-9 hours a night)
  • eat those greens!

Along with these things, I’ve also adjusted my philosophy on what health looks like for me.

I became vegan in 2009 and followed a whole foods version of that lifestyle for over 5 years. During that time, I resolved health conditions including chronic migraines, food sensitivities, acne, allergies and anxiety. Changing my diet led me down a path of overhauling my entire life, which was incredibly empowering. I felt better than I had in years, felt more at ease in my body and I also became more attentive to my body’s needs as I gave up meat, dairy and processed foods. I learned so much about nutrition and the realities of food production that I never really thought I would consume animal products again.

And then last summer, something started to shift. My body began craving animal products – specifically eggs and fish. I have never been a big fan of eggs though. I’ve always had a sensitive stomach to them, so this deep craving had me a bit confused.

After months of trying to hide these feelings from myself and those around me, I decided to give in to them. So I ate scrambled eggs for the first time since I was a child. And you know what? They tasted great! And even more surprising, I felt good. Having fish or eggs every so often felt right after that point. There must have been something in these items that my body needed.

Sometimes we need to come full circle to fully heal.

Shedding the vegan label has been tough. I can’t lie, the title I adorned myself with seemed attractive and gave me a sense of entitlement. It was also a place to belong. I’ve realized though, that labels are too confining and restrictive.

I’ve made peace with the fact that I now eat a plant-based diet, with the occasional animal product. I like having the freedom to openly accept what my body needs at different times, places and stages of my life. I’ve learned to dissociate those feelings of guilt and shame, and instead, practice gratitude and presence while I am eating – and through my day.

Food is supposed to nourish and support our bodies with everything they require to survive and thrive. Let’s ditch dietary dogma. I believe there are many paths to health and everyone should explore what feels best to them. It’s all about achieving a balance.

My new health philosophy is simple: Go back to basics. Eat real food – whole, plant-based food. Sleep well. Drink water. Manage stress. Exercise and move that body. Have positive relationships with others. Engage in work that makes you truly happy. And have fun!!

Have your diet and health goals evolved over the years? Please share your story below!